Calling all developers & GSoC enthusiasts !

You don't want to miss out on an enriching program

"A Walk Through Google Summer of Code"

Date: 27th November, 2021

Time: 5pm IST

# About the Event

GSoC is an annual global program, conducted by Google, with an aim to promote open-source development. This session is aimed to make you all aware of GSoC & motivate you to take part in the upcoming GSoC ‘22.

# Goal of the program The GSoC program has several goals:
• Inspire developers to begin participating in open source development.
• Help open source projects identify and bring in new developers.
• Get more open source code written and released for the benefit of all.
• Provide novice developers with the exposure to real-world software development.

# Key topics to be covered: • Speaker’s experience at GSoC’21
• Benefits of open source development
• Why should you take part in GSoC’22?

# A Brief History of Google Summer of Code Google Summer of Code began in 2005 as a complex experiment with a simple goal: helping students find work related to their academic pursuits during their school holidays. In GSoC’s first year, 40 projects and 400 students participated. By the conclusion of the 17th Google Summer of Code in 2021, over 18,000 students have been accepted into the program.
Best of all, most of the organizations participating over the past 17 years reported that the program helped them find new community members and active committers.

# About our speaker

Mr. Harsh Bardhan Mishra is a senior year student at Sathyabama IST, currently undertaking Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering. He is a Software Developer at Quansight Labs, currently working on CI/CD toolings for Scipy. Previously, he has been a Google Summer of Code student developer, Software engineering intern at Qxf2, and Explorer Fellow at Major League Hacking.

• Currently he is a Software engineer with experience in Web engineering, DevOps, Python, and cloud engineering. his experience revolves around building full-stack services, DevOps pipelines, Python libraries, cloud infrastructure with a special interest in scripting and automation.

• He is the Community Lead of Google Developer Student Clubs at Sathyabama IST. He has also conducted several workshops and sessions and technologies like Python and Amazon Web Services.

• He is also a Hackathon Enthusiast. In the past, he has participated and won at Capgemini Codealore, MLH Fellowship Sprint 0, and Sprint 5, Hack4Good (Runner Up), and Hack Infinity 2.0 (Runner Up). He has also volunteered as a Mentor at Hacking in India, Delhi Hacks, Dub Hacks, and Hack the Mountains.

• Beside Development and Hackathons, he is constantly working on Open-Source, and has been an administrator, mentor, and a participant in various Open-Source Initiatives. He has been a Google Season of Docs technical writer and developer at moja global and has contributed to Scipy, MetaCall, OpenShift, and more in the past.

• Right now he is working on OpenShift and DevTool Documentation at Red Hat.